We offer ongoing subscriptions which automatically continue with each release until you choose to cancel. Instead of paying for your subscription all at once, we'll automatically charge your payment method each time a product releases in your subscription as we ship your new volume. You only need to sign up once, and never need to worry about renewal notices or missed issues!

Just choose the product you'd like to subscribe to from the Subscriptions page, add it to your cart, and go through the checkout process. During checkout, you'll be given the option to start with either the current or the next release in the lineā€”just click the "start with this product" button under the volume you'd like us to send first. If you choose the most recent product, you'll be given the option to have us wait to ship it with the next volume, potentially saving shipping costs.

You must have a valid credit card and a valid e-mail address to subscribe.

Shortly before we begin shipping each month's releases, we will create orders and this may generate an authorization on your payment method, however we don't settle against this authorization until the order is processed for shipping.