We are sorry to hear you're having problems with the Paizo website. Below, we'll detail several solutions that generally fix these issues.
1.) Disable all add-ons and extensions (Go to Settings and then Extensions in Chrome). Ad blockers and many VPN utilities block cookies and prevent Paizo.com from carrying your session information over to the next page.
2.) Make sure to allow third-party cookies. This is the default for Chrome and other browsers.
Note that Paizo doesn't have third-party ads on our website and we don't sell your data to anyone. For more information, please check our Privacy Policy: https://paizo.com/paizo/privacy.
3.) Clear your cache and cookies on your browser. Instructions are located at:
Make sure to select a time period of "all time."
4.) Use an incognito window (Ctrl+Shift+N on Chrome). Again, make sure the 'block third-party cookies' option remains off.