If your credit card statement shows that you have been charged several times in a row, particularly after your card has been declined in our store, it is likely that you are experiencing issues with AVS (Address Verification System).
AVS is a security feature in place to help ensure that only the authorized cardholder uses your card. AVS requires that the billing address you enter during checkout perfectly matches the billing address registered to your card. Any error will result in your card being declined.
When your card is declined for AVS, there will likely be a "pending" charge left on your card. It can remain there for several days until your bank drops the pending charge. If you tried to check out several times, you can end up with several of these pending transactions at the same time.
To prevent this, please ensure that the billing address you use in our store perfectly matches the billing address registered to your card prior to checkout. Paizo employees cannot cause pending charges from AVS declines to drop from your account any faster.